The "new" New Age is approaching. We like to call it the "Now Age." We’re talking to those of you - some of whom are sitting in the chairs - some of whom are reading this - who have felt this before.
It’s actually what brings you here.
I would like to tell you that there is an internal fear that is connected with what is going on right now on this planet. We’ve discussed it in the past as the "seed fear", indicating that it was "planted" early on.
The seed fear is this: As you transmute pieces and parts of your duality, you are moving into a stage of awareness that has never been broached before…except one other time on your planet.
At that time, the planet was out of balance—and you chose to terminate it. What we’re telling you is that I sit in front of a family of Lemurians, almost exclusively! These are the ones who come and sit in these chairs and are interested enough in their internal spiritual engine to read these words.
Did you ever feel like a wise old soul? Did you ever think you knew things that other people didn’t know?
It’s all in there, you know, within your DNA. And I tell you, there is a seed of fear as you broach this "new" New Age that can only be overcome through love, and a full disclosure to your duality that you have felt this before.
~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel (via [email protected])
P.S. To explore this topic more fully, you can download Kryon's Book VII – Letters From Home through Kindle.