There will be those who are compassionate and those who are not, and it’s going to be obvious, so obvious!
Caring and uncaring.
There is a dark army right now on this planet.
What is its "compassion factor?"
Do you understand?
It’s a free choice of mind, but that’s the split to come.
Don’t worry about this, compassionate one. When you take the attributes of the master, light surrounds you—no more fortressing or protecting yourself from the darkness.
It will retreat from you automatically.
No more catching the diseases of the day; they won’t be able to touch you with compassion.
It’s physics; it’s real; it’s physical, and it’s happening now. Your society will reflect this sooner than you think.
When you turn on your news, and you think I’m crazy, just wait. Some wild cards are coming.
Benevolence is a new energy!
~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel (via [email protected])
P.S. To fully explore this topic, you can download From Kryon Book Fourteen – The New Human through Kindle.