However chaotic the world may seem at present, know that greater change is at hand:
"As an en-Lighten-ed Being, you have begun to build a bridge of consciousness back into the higher realms of this Sub-universe. It is called the 'Antakarana' in ancient, esoteric teachings, and the 'Rainbow Bridge' currently. You are made of Divine Essence. You are a Spark/Fragment of the Supreme Creator. You have latent powers that must be developed. There is a great need for humanity to refresh its Spiritual memory and to develop the powers of a Master of Light. You are in the final stages of a most wondrous experiment: perfecting and merging Spirit with matter in its highest form. The ego desire body, the will of the physical personality, must merge with the Will of Spirit into one fused unit of consciousness. As the Earth and humanity make ready for the next great leap in evolution and expanded consciousness, all is being shaken at the deepest level of existence. The decisions you make now, and the energies you radiate from you that create the auric field in which you exist, will determine your reality of the future and how you will experience these momentous years of transition." Archangel Michael |
Messenger Spirit