Discovering Interdimensional Life
As Human Beings, you may be forced to redefine what “life” is. We’ve spoken of interdimensional life in the past. Now here’s your opportunity to discover it. There is life in ordinary water. Not the kind of water that you’re going to create with intent or alter magnetically – I’m talking about water that’s normal on the planet, which bubbles out of the ground. Interdimensional life is everywhere. This is the force that receives the intent that changes the water as it’s ingested, and works with your DNA. Did you ever wonder what it is in water that can do so much? Do you think it’s within the simple few molecules of water? It’s more than that, dear Human Beings. There has to be another force on the planet in order to cooperate with you and the field that you put out. Interdimensional life is the answer.
~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel (via [email protected])