“I've always said this: That we know who is listening. And whether it is in that which you call live now, or whether it is a replay, or whether it's a year from now. Again, I say to you that we know who is watching and listening. And it's in an extremely loving way.
Picture for a moment those of you who have children, perhaps that they're grown up. And perhaps they have lives of their own. Every Mother and every Father loves that time when the child calls, "Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad. I love you."⠀
There are some parents who sit by the phone so that if that happens, they'll be sure and catch it. If they're away, perhaps they'll have a way of taking the message or even take their phone with them.
Do you see what I'm saying? Spirit sits by the phone. We know as soon as you tune in to these messages. It's almost like you made a phone call, and now we get to talk to you, and you get to talk to us in a way. That's the love that you have that goes both ways.”
~Kryon, Channelled by Lee Carroll on February 3, 2021, during Healing Wednesday.⠀⠀