What if I told you that which you call love, has a completely different name, or perhaps a completely different perception from us to you?
What if I told you that, there are attributes of love within your DNA?
What if I told you that part of the double helix itself vibrates a certain way with love? Now, that's a little different than you were told.
For Humans, love is an emotion. It's a great emotion, and it's an emotion that comes and it goes. And what I mean by that, you receive it and you give it. It comes in, and you are also able to send it out.
This is an interesting concept, because not all emotions are that way. In the case of love, you can transmit it way beyond the room you're in.
In so many of the other emotions you feel, you can transmit them to the bubble around you, but not much more. There's something about love.
What do you know about love and compassion, that you've been told esoterically? Now, for many years, perhaps even by the guests on this show [Healing Wednesday] you have been told about the field.
Love lives in the field, and it can be transmitted a long distance around the world, where you can love somebody dearly, and imagine that they're receiving it, and they will.
That is esoterics at its best. It also tells you that this thing you call love is multidimensional.
It’s more than an emotion, dear ones, love can trigger a cascading effect of health and balance.
And so it is.
Kryon of Magnetic Service
Excerpt channeled by Lee Carroll on February 2, 2022 during Healing Wednesday.