September 2005, Pierce, FL; October 2005, Sedona, AZ
As we have in the past, we will say again. The great winds that have torn your country apart for two seasons were predicted and should not be a surprise. We told you over sixteen years ago about the coming weather shifts of significance [Kryon Book One]. They echo a polarity in Human nature. As goes Humanity, so goes Gaia. As the polarity between the dark and the light increases, so will the polarity between heat and cold. There will be extra cold and extra hot, and where they meet together are the seemingly dangerous areas. Just as the polarity of spiritual rage has torn many off the fence of their normalcy, so it is that the planet also responds to this energy, exactly as we told you it would [Kryon Book Eight -2000].
~ KRYON - through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel