- There is a Divine Creative Source whose essence is unconditional Love and Wisdom.
- This Divine Source shows itself through humanity as universal Spirit.
- The human mind can be perceived symbolically in the world of Nature.
- Outward appearances are often illusory, veiling a deeper spiritual reality.
- We are spiritual as well as physical beings and 'heaven' and 'hell' are two contrary states of life that lie within us.
- The Bible and other sacred scriptures also reflect the Divine Source and the inner 'heaven and hell' in symbolic images and language.
- We are the recipients of beneficial angelic influences in our lives.
- Life does not end with the death of the physical body, but continues without end to develop spiritually.
~ Emmanuel Swedenborg,
(born January 29, 1688, Stockholm, Sweden - died March 29, 1772, London, England)