"With the birth of a cycle of experience, and you are part of the human cycle, there is a flow and purpose to the balance of dark and light that is created. Every new cycle begins with darkness, just as night is the beginning of the day and gives way to the light that awakens the world to the dawn.
Those who are in the darkness are not aware of where they are, or that there is a presence of light they can connect with. The experience of darkness must be completed before there can be an experience of light, and the graduation from dark to light happens within each one according to their desire for light and their experience of themselves and their power in the darkness."
Copyright (c) 2012 by Jennifer Hoffman. All Rights reserved. You may copy or quote this article only if you include Jennifer Hoffman as author and a working link to this website.
- See more at: http://enlighteninglife.com/the-balance-of-dark-and-light/#sthash.oSnsvR5X.dpuf