They left many in their wake who were healed, sobbing and weeping in their joy and gratitude.
They spouted profundities and wisdom, and they helped everyone they touched.
They brought tribes together and affected nations.
They unified the separated.
They presented paradigms that were so different that they often lost their lives because of it.
Now, this same energy visits you! Why don’t you take a moment and celebrate what you have created!
We’re in place now, you know, and we’re ready.
And so it is that we take our places around you, above you, even below you.
Interdimensionally, there is no limitation about where we can sit or stand or be.
Each of you is surrounded by your own group—one that knows exactly what you’ve been through—that knows your weaknesses and your many questions.
It is a group that is ready to take your hand and lead you one way or the other if you ever come to that place where you would allow it… or recognize that you have the choice to ask for it.
~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel (via [email protected])
P.S. To fully explore this topic, you can download From Kryon Book Ten – A New Dispensation through Kindle.