'Rivers of Light' - Edgar Cayce
Video 8: The Two Witnesses
As part of the process of becoming self-aware, we come to recognize the continuity of consciousness. In other words, we live multiple lives. Edgar Cayce tells us that the little book that is sweet in the mouth and bitter in the belly is the "Book of Life" or "book of remembrance" that contains the story of our past lives as well as our present incarnation.
So the self-analysis process goes on and on - we are constantly being given the opportunity to know ourselves. This is part of the initiation, the purification of mental and emotional patterns that we carry over from one existence to another.
In Chapter Eleven the mighty angel that gave John the book, tells him that two witnesses will be given the power to prophesy and testify. They will be killed and after three days will be raised up and ascend into heaven.
Cayce tells us that the two witnesses, also symbolized as two trees and two candlesticks, represent our past lives in the earth (reincarnation) and our past lives in other realms (planetary sojourns associated with astrology).
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David McMillin