Your Energy Field
We have told you before that the higher you vibrate, the farther out your energy field extends. We have told you that some of you can actually claim the higher length of your Merkabah, up to 27 feet. Did you know that? How’s that for coloring outside the lines?
Dear Human Being, it is time to see yourself in this fashion—every day.
You are far larger in your energy field than you think you are. I’ll give you one of the tests. Do you know who can sense this, if not actually see it? The Indigo Child! The Indigo Child can sense imbalance.
Certain kinds of Indigos are better at it than others, but there are interdimensional Indigos who sense it profoundly. They are actually “intergalactic” Indigos, but you have called them interdimensional. These Indigos have their “antennae” out, and they see you coming!
Test it!
Go into a room where there is a small child—perhaps a public place. Say nothing and make no noise. Intuitively “call” to the child with your mind. Smile and look his way. Unless distracted, quite often, the child will turn to see the origin of the energy!
He wants to find out where the “light” is coming from.
~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel (via [email protected])
P.S. To explore this topic more fully, you can download Kryon Book VIII – Passing The Marker through Kindle here: